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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 21, Issue 6, pp. 1969-2395

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A Note on Preconditioning for Indefinite Linear Systems

Malcolm F. Murphy, Gene H. Golub, and Andrew J. Wathen

pp. 1969-1972

Preconditioned Lanczos Methods for the Minimum Eigenvalue of a Symmetric Positive Definite Toeplitz Matrix

Michael K. Ng

pp. 1973-1986

Differential--Algebraic Equations of Index 1 May Have an Arbitrarily High Structural Index

Gunther Reissig, Wade S. Martinson, and Paul I. Barton

pp. 1987-1990

Optimal Order Preconditioning of Finite Difference Matrices

Yvan Notay

pp. 1991-2007

Dynamically Relaxed Block Incomplete Factorizations for Solving Two- and Three-Dimensional Problems

Mardochée Magolu Monga-Made and Yvan Notay

pp. 2008-2028

A Framework for Variational Grid Generation: Conditioning the Jacobian Matrix with Matrix Norms

Patrick M. Knupp and Nicolas Robidoux

pp. 2029-2047

Partitioning Rectangular and Structurally Unsymmetric Sparse Matrices for Parallel Processing

Bruce Hendrickson and Tamara G. Kolda

pp. 2048-2072

A Level-Set Method for the Evolution of Faceted Crystals

Giovanni Russo and Peter Smereka

pp. 2073-2095

Nonlinearity, Scale, and Sensitivity for Parameter Estimation Problems

Alv-Arne Grimstad and Trond Mannseth

pp. 2096-2113

Basis Norm Rescaling for Nonlinear Parameter Estimation

Kari Brusdal and Trond Mannseth

pp. 2114-2125

Weighted ENO Schemes for Hamilton--Jacobi Equations

Guang-Shan Jiang and Danping Peng

pp. 2126-2143

Numerical Treatment of the Navier--Stokes Equations with Slip Boundary Condition

Eberhard Bänsch and Burkhard Höhn

pp. 2144-2162

High-Resolution Nonoscillatory Central Schemes for Hamilton--Jacobi Equations

Chi-Tien Lin and Eitan Tadmor

pp. 2163-2186

Wavelet and Fourier Methods for Solving the Sideways Heat Equation

Lars Eldén, Fredrik Berntsson, and Teresa Reginska

pp. 2187-2205

Accuracy of Decoupled Implicit Integration Formulas

Stig Skelboe

pp. 2206-2224

Parallel Algorithms to Evaluate Orthogonal Polynomial Series

Roberto Barrio

pp. 2225-2239

Robust Computational Algorithms for Dynamic Interface Tracking in Three Dimensions

James Glimm, John W. Grove, X. L. Li, and D. C. Tan

pp. 2240-2256

Low-Rank Matrix Approximation Using the Lanczos Bidiagonalization Process with Applications

Horst D. Simon and Hongyuan Zha

pp. 2257-2274

Phase Space Error Control for Dynamical Systems

D. J. Higham, A. R. Humphries, and R. J. Wain

pp. 2275-2294

A Differentiation Index for Partial Differential-Algebraic Equations

Wade S. Martinson and Paul I. Barton

pp. 2295-2315

A Regularized Sampling Method for Solving Three-Dimensional Inverse Scattering Problems

David Colton, Klaus Giebermann, and Peter Monk

pp. 2316-2330

Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Incompressible Flow (\em Re \protect\boldmath $\leq$ 9500) on the Curvilinear Half-Staggered Mesh

Alan George, Lan Chieh Huang, Wei-Pai Tang, and Ya Dan Wu

pp. 2331-2351

Stable Spectral Methods on Tetrahedral Elements

J. S. Hesthaven and C. H. Teng

pp. 2352-2380

A Nonlinear Multigrid Solver for a Semi-Lagrangian Potential Vorticity-Based Shallow-Water Model on the Sphere

John W. Ruge, Yong Li, Steve McCormick, Achi Brandt, and J. R. Bates

pp. 2381-2395